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Ballylifford Primary School

SUSTRANS Cycle Training

26th Sep 2019

Well done to our 16 KS2 pupils who completed their Sustrans Cycle Training this week. They completed two parts over a three day period with Level One focusing on ‘Traffic Free’ training which took place in our school playground and Level Two linked to ‘On-Road’ training in quieter roads and residential areas in the village of Coagh as there were better options for learning on-road principles such as positioning at various junction types, approaching parked cars, stop and start positions. 

We were very grateful to our Shared Education partner school Coagh PS for providing their school as a base for the training and allowing the pupils to use their facilities for toilet breaks and to eat their lunch. 

We would like to thank both John and Susana who delivered the training and also our Active Travel Officer Johnny who was also in attendance.