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Ballylifford Primary School

P.3/4 Monthly Awards

25th Nov 2022

Congratulations to all our award winners for the month of November.

P.3 Pupil of the Month is Caolam for always listening and trying his best in everything he does. Caolam has also been a great friend to everyone.

P.4 Pupil of the Month is Ellie for her excellent attitude towards learning and completing work independently. Ellie is a fantastic role model for others.

Super Literacy Award goes to Logan for producing a lovely piece of creative writing and using super adjectives in his Jolly Grammar work. Logan was also presented with the Principal Award for his excellent manners, hard work in the classroom and for following all the golden rules.

Super Numeracy Award goes to Conall for showing a great understanding of multiplication and using cubes to record times table facts.

Handwriting award goes to Niamh for her beautiful handwriting and presentation in all her work.

Our School Values Award goes to Ethan for his excellent manners and super effort in his class work.

Well done everyone!