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Ballylifford Primary School
Important Dates this week! Monday 17th June - P.7 trip to Splash with Coagh PS - Thursday 20th June - End of year mass at 10am followed by P.7 Leavers Assembly in school at 10:45am - Friday 21st June - Sports Day and Colour Run
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KS2 Awards winners

7th Oct 2022

Congratulations to our award winners in P.5/6/7 this week.

Pupil of the week - Brooke Higgins for settling quicker to her work and remaining focused.

School values Award - Lacey Hamilton for her lovely manners and kindness to staff and pupils at all times.

Principal Award - Emilia McMenamin for the absolutely outstanding piece of creative writing she produced this week. We had the pleasure of listening to it at Assembly this morning.