Access Keys:

Ballylifford Primary School


6th Apr 2020


FAO Parents/Carers,

Please remember to encourage the children to use our curriculum-based classroom software programmes as much as possible. The link can be accessed on our school website.  All passwords have already been issued to all parents via Private Message and also along with the second Home Learning Packs. 

ACCELERATED READER- P3 to P7 pupils should be continuing to develop the their reading skills on daily and also take an AR Quiz as the school have included the link to allow for this to be now done at home. Let’s see who can reach their point targets, Million words and achieve 85% comprehension understanding. 

EDUCATION CITY - P1 to P4 tasks will be added weekly for Literacy and Numeracy and all P5-P7 tasks have been added for both curriculum areas. Let’s encourage all pupils to complete as many tasks as possible. 

C2K NEWSDESK - Let us see as many pupils log onto the C2K Newsdesk to read the articles and make a post under one of them. We look forward to reading them. 

SUPERHEROES PROGRAMME - remember physical activity for all pupils is vital during this period so encourage the pupils to participate in the Superheroes programme daily for 5-10 mins to complete their exercises. There are videos once they log on using their passcode.

Why not send us some photos to our Twitter account of the children completing some of the above programmes and we will RT them showcasing the quality home learning taking place at Ballylifford PS during this time.

Thank you
Mr McElroy