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Ballylifford Primary School

‘All about the Weans’ - Fundraiser in memory of Francis Lagan

7th Oct 2023
Please see information below for more details!
The 'All About The Weans' fundraising drive in memory of our colleague Francis Lagan from Glen will conclude with a fantastic School/Club Monster Draw, tickets £5 each or 3 for £10. The 4 winners will nominate their preferred school or club for a fantastic prize, while also receiving an individual prize.

Prizes as follows:

* A set of 25 McKeever (McKvr) team jerseys (plus an O'Neill's voucher for individual winner).
** £500 Uhlsport Sports Equipment voucher (plus a £30 Cafe 3121 voucher for individual winner).
*** A coaching Session with Malachy O'Rourke (plus a £100 Old Point voucher for individual winner).
**** A coaching Session with Conor Glass (plus a signed Ulster Rugby jersey for individual winner).

The draw will take place on Friday 27th October. Tickets are only available via the following link:

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