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Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to Ballylifford Primary School – a caring community focused on children and committed to their individual good. Thank you for taking the time to look through our school website.
Our aim is to help children develop into mature, responsible young men and women who have a feeling of self-worth and importance. To do this it is essential that we work in partnership with parents and the wider community. The success of our school depends on good relationships between staff, children and parents.
Our website outlines what we stand for and what we can offer your child at Ballylifford Primary School. It provides you with information about our school and an insight into our policies and practices. Of course no website can convey the real atmosphere of a school and should you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to visit the school and we would be delighted to show you and your child around.
Kind regards,
Mrs Fiona Conway
Life at Ballylifford PS
Upcoming Events...
Best things about Ballylifford PS are...
Parent comments:
"Ballylifford PS was the perfect choice for my child and I have seen her confidence grow so much from attending. She has been given so many opportunities which have helped her develop so much in the 2 years she has been there."
"Ballylifford is such a warm, welcoming and family orientated school. My child feels part of her class and school community and loves the weekly assemblies where she can be a part of the whole school."
"I have great respect and gratitude for all the staff at Ballylifford Primary School. My boys love school, and when they are happy and content that makes us happy parents."
"Ballylifford Primary School is a home from home setting, my children are very well cared for and content, the extra curricular activities and events are excellent and the staff always go above and beyond."
"My children are extremely happy at Ballylifford PS. The level of pastoral care is exceptionally high and the teaching and learning is outstanding. The children are provided with such a wide range of activities to accommodate the needs of all learners. Pupil health and well-being has been an excellent focus. The introduction of a morning club has been welcomed by working parents. We are very happy with all aspects of Ballylifford School life."
Pupil comments:
"The best thing about Ballylifford PS is playing with all my friends at break and lunch time. I also really like the teachers because they make me feel comfortable. My favourite subject would be Maths or ICT."
"The best thing about Ballylifford PS is that everyone is so friendly."
"I learn lots of new things at Ballylifford PS and enjoy seeing my friends."
"The teachers and staff are so kind and I love our school dinners."
"I really like everything about our school."
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See attached leaflet for further details.
Ballylifford Primary School 142 Ballinderry Bridge Rd, Cookstown, County Tyrone BT80 0AY | Phone: 028 7941 8388