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Ballylifford Primary School
Important Dates this week! Monday 17th June - P.7 trip to Splash with Coagh PS - Thursday 20th June - End of year mass at 10am followed by P.7 Leavers Assembly in school at 10:45am - Friday 21st June - Sports Day and Colour Run
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Catholic Schools week

26th Jan 2024

This week we have been celebrating Catholic Schools week in class each day and this morning we came together for our whole school assembly.  5 children explained what each of the 5 days symbolised this week and then we ended with a song.  The theme this year was ‘Catholic Schools - Communities of Service’.  Mrs Conway explained to the children about the 5 communities we belong to.  These include:-
Our Community of friends
School community
Family community
Local Ballinderry community
Faith community.
In school we model love, kindness and care towards ourselves, others, God and creation.

May the Lord bless us and guide us in being communities of faith, hope and love.